Saturday, March 5, 2011

Craigslist Postings

After returning from a cruise yesterday, I am hitting the ground running today.  Liberty Belle is happening this weekend and I'm going to go there and shop shop shop! 

Perusing craigslist this morning, I found a few things that I'd like to share.  The ad that caught my eye is a trade for a house about 90 minutes from where I live - an old fixer - they would trade for house a close-by or a good truck!  The intriguing part is that the antiques come with the house!  My dream - getting a house full of old junk! 

Here are some other craigslist ads that I like, getting me in the mood for yard-sale-season. 
This antique Hotpoint Stove is $350. 
This chest is $250, more than I would pay, but I think it's pretty.

This antique wardrobe is $500, not a bad price but not a wonderful deal. 
This antique hutch is $275.  A decent price and quite nice. 

Next Friday, I will leave the house bright-and-early, cash in my grubby little hand and look for yard sales.  I can't express how excited I am! 

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