After perusing these wonderful craigslist ads for more junk/inventory, I'm questioning whether I'm a dealer or hoarder. I have a hard time passing up garage sales.
All these ads are eye candy to me. I particularly love the white vanity, even though vanities are hard to sell.
I justify my junk as "inventory" and keep telling myself to buy only small pieces of furniture that I can move by myself, for obvious reasons. I can just look and dream.
I don't think I'm a hoarder...not even a collector. Just a junker who sells.
Nice furniture pieces..I'm feeling like a hoarder and have been "cleaning" out the family room. The garage is isn't a pretty picture around here..send help!
If you are a junker that sells, then you are definitely not a hoarder :) I have that same piece in picture one. I have the bed and dresser to match. They were given to me when I got married 24 years ago by a 70 year old friend who owned it in her childhood.